Loaded Baked Potatoes

The perfect Make Ahead Dinner, appetizer or side dish! Prep now and bake Later. So perfect for your Kiddos!

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  • 8 Potatoes
  • 2 Tbsp Sour cream and more to Top
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • 2 handfuls of cheese
  • 2 chopped scallions
  • crumbled bacon about 1 cup,
  • olive oil and seasoning


  1. Preheat oven to 400.
  2. Wash and pat dry potatoes. Cut into halves.
  3. Coat each potato half with olive oil, season slightly and place onto a baking sheet skin side down.
  4. Bake for about 1-1.5hr depending on the size of your potatoes, until cooked (mine were small-medium size) Once potatoes are done, let them cool off a bit.
  5. Cut out the inside of the potatoes into a bowl leaving some potato around the sides.
  6. To the bowl add 2 handfuls of cheese, sour cream, butter, bacon, scallions, and lightly season with salt and pepper.
  7. Mix wellTaste the potato mix and see if more seasoning is needed.
  8. Put about 1-2 tbsp of the potato mix back into each potato skin adding more if any leftover.
  9. Top with more cheese, bacon, and scallions.
  10. Put back into oven and bake for another 10 min. Once done top with sour cream and Enjoy!