Caramel Mousse Dessert

Easy, quick, and impressive looking Dessert with 4 Ingredients only! These are light, fluffy and melt in your mouth!


  • 1 can sweetened condensed milk-Cooked
  • 2 Cups Sour Cream
  • 1 packet Gelatine powder (2 tsp)
  • 2 Tbsp Water


  1. Add 2 Tbsp water to a small bowl or cup. Sprinkle Gelatin powder and mix well. Let stand for 2 minutes
  2. Using a hand mixer, combine Cooked sweetened condensed milk with sour-cream until smooth
  3. Microwave gelatin mix in 10 seconds intervals until slightly steaming but not boiling! (mine was a total of 30 seconds)
  4. Slowly pour the gelatin mix into the sour cream mixture while mixing until completely combined and smooth.
  5. Right away add the mixture to small dessert cups. ( you want to do this really fast before the mousse thickens)
  6. Store in the fridge for at least 3 hours before serving!
  7. Optional: Top with your favorite fruit, or chocolate shavings.